Though the desk was by far the most expensive gift I received this year, and I love it, it was not my favorite gift. I am going to share a story that goes to show that a woman is not always won over by the big expensive gifts. Thoughtfulness and attentiveness go a LOOOONG way. My most favorite gift this year was a stocking stuffer that cost $15.00
Let me explain...
Last Thursday my sister Shinae called me up and asked if I would like to meet her for lunch. I joyfully accepted and arrived an hour later. After lunch, we had about an hour to spend together before Shinae had to leave for work. So we casually walked down Main St. and popped into some of the shops. We came to an antique shop and were both excited to go look around. Our search started by looking for hand-painted teacups from England (for Shinae). After scouring the shelves without success, we opted to look at the huge trays full of beautiful antique rings. Since I had recently spent every last penny on Christmas gifts, we were mainly looking for a ring for Shinae. We stood at that counter pouring over the rings for a good twenty minutes, trying on anything that would fit our fingers! (Just because I didn't have any money does not mean I could not try them on!) I found an exquisite ring made of a thin band of sterling silver. Several delicate pieces of silver were bent into the form of a rose, with a leaf on each side. The center of the rose clutched a tiny red ruby. Shinae finally chose a beautiful green and gold ring and then we left.
After returning home on Thursday, I had briefly mentioned the ring to Jared, and how beautiful I thought it was. Jared gathered the limited information I had given him and snuck to the antique store the following day. After describing the ring as best he could, the store attendant helped him find the beautiful little ring.
On Christmas morning I reached into my stocking and opened up the most beautiful antique rose ring. What a guy! This tiny little token was by far my favorite present. Not only because I think the ring is beautiful, but also because of Jared's thoughtfulness and attentiveness. The huge surprise factor also contributed to my delight. Anyways, kudos to Jared! I love you! Thank you for the person you are and the way you cherish me!