Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Food We Eat

You know how if you think too long or hard about almost anything, it starts to seem really weird? Well, this week I have been thinking a lot about the food I eat. Jared and I had a discussion that went something like this:

N: "Isn't it strange the combinations people have come up with? Think about something as simple as mashed potatos even... taking a vegitable out of the ground, putting it in water and then mashing it until its smooth, then adding some cow milk fat that has been stirred for hours until it hardened, then taking some mineral build-up from the ocean, and presto! You have mashed potatos with butter and salt."
J: "Actually, they get salt from mines."
N: "They do? I thought it all came from oceans... Do they really get it from mines? Are the mines in places that there used to be water?"
J: "Well, yeah."
N: "Oh, so it does all come from water."
J: "Well, yeah, all minerals that build up come from water."
N: "Well, that's what I thought. But anyways, aren't the food combinations weird?"
J: "Yeah, they are!"

Just think about your favorite dish and the origins of each of the ingredients. The combinations start to seem really strange, and you realize that would never have thought of putting those things together but you are very thankful that someone did!

1 comment:

erin said...

One of my favorite breakfasts is plain oatmeal with LOTS of butter and brown sugar.
Hm, let's boil these weird hulls til they're mushy, then refine sugar cane, and stir milk til it turns into butter--and heat it up.