Thursday, August 31, 2006


One of my dear friends, Shannon, sent me a note recently that spoke of women and beauty in the church. This is a subject that she is very passionate about and I have enjoyed the conversations we've had about this in the past. As she was saying, there is a certain image that woman often times try to display of what a good "church woman" should be. These women are productive, modest, giving, kind, hard-working...and busy, stressed out, and tired. But as church ladies, it shouldn't be about what we do-- it's not about fitting into an image and wearing ourselves out doing it. It's about who we are reflecting. God is a beautiful God, and women shine so much of that beauty, but we don't even know it.

Women grow up with numerous confirmations, verbal and non-verbal alike, that we are not beautiful. When a little girl dances for her dad, she needs to hear that she is beautiful. When a teenager is going through puberty, she needs to hear that she is beautiful. When a grown woman scrubs the toilet, she needs to hear that she is beautiful. Now, all you readers who are women know deep within yourselves that you have been told in some shape or form repeatedly that you just don't measure up. That you are not enough. This subject of beauty and women (I think) is oftentimes a neglected subject in the church. (Not necessarily by the leaders of the church-- we have heard the sermons on Mother's Day.) The people of the church don't take time to cherish the amazing beauty God has given to every woman on earth. The women don't take time to notice or embrace the beauty within themselves. The men don't take time to honor that beauty.

But here's the thing...God gave women a mysterious beauty that is intrinsic to every woman in creation. When God made Adam, he said it was not right for man to be alone. So he fashioned a beautiful partner for Adam. After Eve was created, everything was good and right. She was the last thing God created. John Eldredge puts it well in his book "Captivating" when he says that Eve is the "crowning glory" of creation. (I HIGHLY recommend this book by the way, for men and women alike. He co-wrote it with wife Staci and they really tackle this subject on a deep level. It has made me see women in a whole in a new light, as well as value myself and see the beauty I display.)

In the book, Eldredge points out that women display the beauty of God. They reflect his soft, gentle, tender, merciful, loving, nurturing and mysterious characteristics. God did not only make Eve as a partner for Adam, but also as a mirror unto himself. God shines through women in every gentle touch and soft word spoken. Every woman shines this beauty, no matter what the culture dictates. When a woman believes wholeheartedly that she is not beautiful, she fogs that mirror and God's image is not allowed to shine freely.

This subject has become increasingly intriguing to me. As I dig deeper, I realize more and more the importance of this issue. Although some may think this sounds semi-feminist, it doesn't have anything to do with a power-trip for women. It's simply that there is a lot to be learned about God, through women. Women are BEAUTIFUL. That's something they do not hear enough. Period.

1 comment:

erin said...

Thanks for such an encouraging post!
"Although some may think this sounds semi-feminist, it doesn't have anything to do with a power-trip for women."
It's not about feminism at all. You don't have to be feminist if you are honored by your husband and the men of the church.
Thanks again. You helped put it all in such great perspective.