Sunday, August 27, 2006

My life in the ZOO

This morning was going to be a good morning until I walked downstairs to find a nasty surprise. So I have been having some animal trouble lately (we have 3 by the way, 2 cats and a dog).

The story goes like this... I got to sleep in a bit, until 8:30 or so. I lay in bed and stretched a good stretch. I felt very relaxed and comfortable, but it was time to get up. So I arose and flung open the curtains. Warm, golden sunshine streamed in, bathing the room in light... it was going to be a good day. I looked down at the floor beside my bed where I keep all my books, magazines and misc. odds and ends that accumulate there. One thing that was laying in the pile that shouldn't have been was a new thermometer I bought. I knew I had not carelessly put that on the floor. I bent down to pick it up, and immediatly saw teeth marks and scratches all over it. Dang cat! I knew the younger cat had found it on a counter or something and played its way to the floor, many scratches and bashes later. I was very annoyed. At this opportune moment, the guilty cat, Ruby, came up to me, purring her sweetest purr, and rubbed on my leg. (It seems like she always knows when she is in trouble and tries to be cute to get out of it. I'm serious, it's the same almost every time. It's weird.) But I would have none of it. I was too annoyed about the thermometer. So I got up, pushing her aside, and headed for the kitchen, determined to still have a good day. I would make myself a good breakfast to turn things around. I lazily thumped down the stairs, a little hope returning to me with each new step. I walked into the kitchen and was just about ready to decide on my breakfast of choice, when I caught a wiff of a not-so-pleasant smell. I crinkled my nose and with disgust looked around for the source of this nasty smell. As my eyes wandered the room, they soon fell on the source. There behind the kitchen table was a monsterous pile of poop. Wait...there's more, oh glee. This pile must have been laying there much of the night and my darling cats had tried with all their might to cover it up. Let me explain the problem with that idea-- the kitchen floor is linoleum and there isn't much litter laying around on the floor to cover a huge mound of shit! So instead these precious cats simple smeared the pile all over the place (including on their own water dish), and IT DRIED THAT WAY.

Shoot me now. Anybody want some free animals? The're adorable. I promise.


Naomi said...

I kid you not-- as I wrote this post, Ruby puked on the kitchen floor. Oh joy! It really is going to be a good day...

erin said...

Ok, so I might be laughing at you...but it's only because I understand your pain SO WELL.

kristi noser said...

Yes Naomi, we are laughing WITH you--and thanking God that we don't have to wake up to that! Welcome to the blogworld. I am going to enjoy reading your stuff.