Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Power of Worship

I am feeling a little on the down side today... a little thoughtful, a little weary, a little discouraged. There is nothing in particular that I can pinpoint these feelings on, it is just one of those times where everything seems to come at you a little askew.

It is in these times that I begin to grasp the power of worship. I was cleaning today at a friend's house and I flipped on the radio. Finding nothing interesting to listen to, I perused the CDs laying nearby. I found one that contained many of the worship songs I knew from church. I put it in and turned it up LOUD, as no one was in the house but me. As the song took off, I found myself singing along at the top of my lungs, and tears sprang to my eyes. I stopped cleaning and just let the music surround me. I wept and sang and drowned myself in the moment (and glanced out the window to make sure my weeping fit would not be discovered by the family coming home.) But in that moment, with my eyes all smeary and wet, I realized how much one little worship song can feed you spiritually, and how desperately I need to be fed.

We recently changed churches and I have begun to realize that this new church is not giving me as much spiritual food as I need. The worship time in a service is vital to me. When the songs are so simplistic and do not express what is in your heart, it is hard to feel like you were engaged. I have often times come away feeling that we just barely scratched the surface-- a surface that I have already barely scratched before. I am ready to move forward, to dive in deeper, to LEARN knew and wonderful things, and to be completely infatuated with God.

I am really excited about what God has waiting for me. I think the near future holds a lot of growing and learning and stretching. That is my prayer. That is my desire.

1 comment:

erin said...

That's my desire, too, friend. You are not alone in your lonliness and ...frustration. I'm really looking forward to our study for this reason for this reason more than any other. And what makes it even more exciting is that we get to share and learn and grow WITH our husbands! Thanks for sharing your moment. I'm gonna look for one tomorrow!