Jared and I finally made it out to the fair last night! We realized this was our last annual fair date without a babe in tow. As we walked around, we were thinking about how much more fun the fair will become with a child to enjoy all the sounds, colors and attractions. Going to the fair with my family is one of my favorite childhood memories. Jared and I are very excited to make fun memories with our beautiful children too.
Here is the story of our night in pictures:

Waiting for the free shuttle bus

On the bus headed to the 2007 State Fair. Yah Baby!
First stop: CHEESE CURDS!!! Priorities, priorities!
I just had to stop and get my picture with this charming NEON GREENASAURUS!
And of course Jared had to stop and get his picture with this charming RED VIPOR! (Sounds like we are really into the reptiles, eh?)

We ran into my cousin Brian and his family: Brian, Adrianna, Linette, Audrey(in front). It was really good to see them! We were able to sit and catch up for about ten minutes. Then we were off to make a quick pit stop by the Air Force area...
...where Jared found this F16! Swift!

Then we went to meet up with Gary and Nathan. The first order of business was of course to EAT! Jared and I split a delicious reuben from Schumakers (sp?), Gary had some spicy sausage and peppers, and we all devoured a yummy blooming onion! Yum-o!

After meandering through the Miracle Birth center, and downing about five glasses of chocolate milk at the Milk Booth, we headed over to the Fish 'N Chips stand for a visit. Jared looks like a little boy, leaning into the booth on his tip-toes. Let's face it, he
is a little boy!!
We had to get our picture by the Fish Stand. There is just too much history not to!

We finished up our evening with a malts from the Dairy Building! Jared got Strawberry Rhubarb, and I got chocolate. YUMMY!
We were both SO READY to go home at that point. So we walked back toward the gate, making a quick stop at the saltwater taffy stand (one of Jared's favorite traditions), and then headed home, exhausted. Boy oh boy, being pregnant really takes the life outta ya (ha ha, actually it really puts life in ya! Haha!).