Thursday, December 31, 2009
25 Weeks
I have 25 weeks
of pregnancy behind me, only 15-ish more to go! This pregnancy has been a bit different from my previous ones in regards to symptoms, etc. One of the strange, and very unique, side effects that has arisen this week is extremely itchy KNEES. What? Yeah, knees. Once I get scratching, I can't stop, which has caused many bloody knee incidents. I have started applying Eucerin liberally to my knees, which does actually help a lot. It is just such a funny side effect that it still makes me smile whenever the itchiness starts up. Pregnancy is a trip, let me tell ya. You never know what's going to happen next!
The other thing this week has brought is a "sore" spot on my belly about the size of a silver dollar. It is just a spot that is tender all the time, and I am wondering if it could be a weak spot in my abdominal muscles, or my uterine wall? Anyone else have this happen to them?
Baby Bug just keeps getting bigger, and is very active! I feel every little wiggle and kick, and have been able to share that with family now, since it can be felt through my belly now.
That's about all for this week!
Craving of the week: I could always go for a steak-- throughout this entire pregnancy. One other notable change is that I do NOT like ice cream since being pregnant- normally one of my favorites!
The other thing this week has brought is a "sore" spot on my belly about the size of a silver dollar. It is just a spot that is tender all the time, and I am wondering if it could be a weak spot in my abdominal muscles, or my uterine wall? Anyone else have this happen to them?
Baby Bug just keeps getting bigger, and is very active! I feel every little wiggle and kick, and have been able to share that with family now, since it can be felt through my belly now.
That's about all for this week!
Craving of the week: I could always go for a steak-- throughout this entire pregnancy. One other notable change is that I do NOT like ice cream since being pregnant- normally one of my favorites!
Monday, December 07, 2009
Workin' Girl
This Christmas season put a little strain on our finances, so we sent Sophia out to get a job.
O Christmas Tree
The current state of our Christmas tree...

December 1
December 23
December 1
December 23
It's a good thing Christmas is tomorrow. I'm not sure that poor thing can handle much more.
Ten Year Plan
I got tagged from Erin.

10 Years Ago

1.) How old were you? 16
2.) Where did you go to school? Homeschooled. Went to a homeschool co-op.
2.) Where did you go to school? Homeschooled. Went to a homeschool co-op.
3.) Where did you work? Papa Murphy's Pizza
5.) Where did you hang out? At Abby's house
6.) Did you wear glasses? Nope!
7.) Who was your best friend(s)? Abby, Hannah, Megan
8.) How many tattoos did you have? Zero
8.) How many tattoos did you have? Zero
9.) How many piercings did you have? double pierced in each ear
10.) What car did you drive? A huge blue, full size Ford van called The Blue Whale
11.) Had you ever been to a real party? Yeah right
12.) Had your heart broken? That would mean I would have to talk to a boy, so no! (Don't let the prom picture deceive you. I didn't really talk to Nate much at all. I held my bouquet of wrapped flowers so I wouldn't have to hold his hand in the picture. Yeah, I ruined his senior prom I'm sure.)
12.) Had your heart broken? That would mean I would have to talk to a boy, so no! (Don't let the prom picture deceive you. I didn't really talk to Nate much at all. I held my bouquet of wrapped flowers so I wouldn't have to hold his hand in the picture. Yeah, I ruined his senior prom I'm sure.)
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Very single
5 years ago

1.) How old were you? 21
2.) Where did you go to school? Already graduated from Winona with a A.A. in Liberal Arts
3.) Where did you work? A Montessori
5.) Where did you hang out? with Abby & Ben, our house
6.) Did you wear glasses? No
7.) Who was your best friend(s)? Abby, Megan, Jared
8.) Who was your crush? My huz, Jared
9.) How many tattoos did you have? None
10.) How many piercings did you have? 3 in each ear, nose, and belly button
11.) What car did you drive? 1996 Mazda 626
12.) Had you had your heart broken? Hmm, not really.
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Just married!!

1.) How old are you? 26
2.) Where do you work? At home, caring for my two beautiful baby girl
4.) Where do you hang out? At home and my mom's
2.) Where do you work? At home, caring for my two beautiful baby girl
4.) Where do you hang out? At home and my mom's
5.) Who is your best friend? Jared
6.) Do you talk to your old friends? Yes! Most of my "old" friends are my current friends, with a few additions!
7.) How many piercings do you have? One more added to the left ear, minus the belly button
8.) How many tattoos? Still none
9.) What kind of car do you have? A Mom-mobile-- 2003 Dodge caravan
10.) Has your heart been broken? Nope, happier than ever!
11.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter? Happily married to the best man ever
On Friday morning, we excitedly arose to go on a family date to the Children's Museum! Jared and I were both helping the girls get dressed, when I accidentally kneeled on Sophia's foot. I did not even realize I was on it, and at first didn't think much of it. But after 2 hours of Sophia whimpering and collapsing to the floor every time she put pressure on it, I was reduced to tears of guilt. We cancelled plans to go the museum, but still wanted to have a family outing. So we went to Wal-Mart, where we could push around our invalid in a cart. We headed straight for the toy section, and Sophia wanted to get down and try to walk. She limped down the first aisle, but by Aisle 3, her foot was miraculously healed and she was running from treasure to treasure. Whew.

23 Weeks
Now that I am at 23 weeks, time seems to have slowed down for me a little. The first twenty flew by in a heartbeat, but the past three have crawled by at a snail's pace. When titling my post tonight, I thought to myself "Really? I am only 23 weeks?" I attribute this change of pace to the largening of my body. Time goes slower when you feel uncomfortable and... large. No, I realize I am not huge yet, or even close, but my body is certainly not normal, and it's hard to deal with the sudden change... like searching for clothes that fit every single morning.
I feel Bugger moving around all the time now. Not just kicks anymore, but the squirming too. Always a delightful, yet strange, feeling. I love it!
Craving of the Week: Jeans that fit AND stay up.
Snow Day!
We got dumped on yesterday, so naturally it was time to bust out the sled! Unfortunately it was BITTER cold out, so our escapade only lasted about 20 minutes. But we had fun while it lasted!
All bundled up!
22 Weeks
Oops! I forgot to post this until now! My 22nd week has been pretty uneventful. The only real thing to report is how frequently I have gotten a bloody nose-- a new occurance this week. On some days, I have gotten 3 in a day! I am attributing this partly to the sudden drop in temperature and dry weather. But I have never had a bloody nose outside of pregnancy, so that has to be a big factor as well.
Craving of the Week: Nothing to report this week! A small return to normalcy!
Jared and I took Sophia on a special date to the Mall of America to get her a Build-a-Bear for Christmas! Here are some pictures of our adventure!

Sophia and Daddy

First stop, water fountain to throw a penny in!

Shoppin with Mom
Leaving for the MOA very excited!
Sophia and Mommy
Sophia and Daddy
First stop, water fountain to throw a penny in!
Shoppin with Mom
Prayer Support
Would you please consider praying for Jared this week? For the past couple of months he has had a second shift position at Delta. He used to have first shift, which we loved. But we have both had a very difficult time with this new schedule. We don't get a whole lot of time together, and he really misses being home during the girls waking hours.
Delta is doing a "realignment" this week, which basically means everyone looses their current position and they all re-bid on the positions in order of seniority. Jared is the last person to bid (least seniority), and we are really hoping and praying that he gets the option to go back to first shift. Please join us in that prayer. We are so thankful that Jared still has a job, and trust God will put him where He wants him. Thank you!
Delta is doing a "realignment" this week, which basically means everyone looses their current position and they all re-bid on the positions in order of seniority. Jared is the last person to bid (least seniority), and we are really hoping and praying that he gets the option to go back to first shift. Please join us in that prayer. We are so thankful that Jared still has a job, and trust God will put him where He wants him. Thank you!
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