I'm feeling a little frustrated and discouraged. I really believed I would be holding Bambino right now. I thought
for sure, I would go this weekend, because my body has been acting very... weird
. I posted last Monday that I felt crampy/contracty, but then the rest of the week my body got... confused. There were two nights this week that I had contractions every 10 mins or so, and started to get excited. But the strange part is, that I only got the contractions when I was
laying down. When I got up to move around, they would stop immediately. We even tried several methods to "encourage" labor, but pretty much every attempt would kill any contractions altogether. For example, I would deplete all my energy going on a mile-long power walk, then be frustrated when I didn't get even one contraction. So I'd go take a three hour nap, during which I would get several contractions. Then arise from my nap, and not get another contraction for hours. What the heck?
Obviously baby is not ready to come out yet, which is fine. I just wish it would
stop teasing me. I expect baby to make an appearance this week. If I have to write a 39 week update, don't expect it to be a very peachy one.
My current state of being: my low back really hurts (not the low dull ache of labor, more like sharp, shooting pain). My hips are loose and shoot intense pain every time I stand up, causing me to hobble like an 80-year-old. Sleep is... frustrating. There is no comfortable way to sleep on a watermelon every night. (Go head, give it a try.)
I know it's almost over, and we will meet baby soon, and then I will be the happiest woman in the world! My temporary discomforts will be gone (replaced by new ones), but at least I will have the overriding joy of having baby in my arms.
38 weeks |