Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Money and Baseball

Good news!! We sold the motorcycle! This is such a blessing, and has put into motion a series of events affecting our future in preparation for the baby (Whew! That was mouthful!).
In simpler terms, we are able to pay off the remainder of the bike loan, with a considerable amount left over. With the extra money we are going to pay off some other debts we have, and thus lower our monthly payments. This will in turn allow us to save up enough $$ for a down payment on a cross-over vehicle for me and baby. (Need I even hint that the cars we have now would not be considered "reliable"?) Anyways, I feel like God is taking good care of us here and laying out a future for our growing family.

In other news, I am going to a Twins game on Thursday! I have not been to one since I was about 6ish. I am pretty excited. I am going to with my grandma, aunt, papar, and uncle from out of town and am very excited to spend the afternoon with all of them. Plus, I actually know the rules of baseball, which will make the game even more enjoyable. There is one thing that has been bothering me though... what am I supposed to wear to the game? I don't own one thing that has any kind of sport emblem on it, much less any Twins items. I guess I will just pick from the few items of clothing that still fit me. Shouldn't be too hard as there aren't many, and we haven't had the chance to go out shopping for my new wardrobe yet.

1 comment:

erin said...

I have several Twins shirts you can choose from!