Tuesday, February 09, 2010

31 Weeks

Bug is now about 3.5 lbs, (about the weight of four navel oranges, Papar that was just for you) and I am feeling all of it. My belly is so heavy, and Bug is so active that my bladder doesn't stand a chance. Every time I sit, I have to get right back up to go to the bathroom. Every single night as I brush my teeth, I assess whether or not I have to empty my bladder. Whenever I decide I really don't have the urge, I get to my bed and then have to go reeeeally bad. When I get to the bathroom, however, I could maybe fill a tablespoon. Pathetic. Pregnancy makes us really pathetic at times :)

Really my only complaint is the weight of our little growing angel. I can't stand in one place for very long, which means I usually end up sitting down about halfway through the worship songs at church and singing from my chair. The combination of repeated deep breaths for singing, and standing still for that long is exhausting! (Again, pathetic.)

I feel really good in other areas. I am sleeping well at night. I have a pretty normal appetite again. I have enough energy to get through most days. God is giving me a very blessed pregnancy, and I am so thankful.
Craving of the week: ovaltine, apples, sprouts


Unknown said...

I hope I don't have your cravings at week 31. Eww, sprouts.

erin said...

Based on your cravings alone (this week and past weeks), I think Shirley might be pregnant.

April Watson said...

You look fantastic! I want to hear all about how you got where you are. I know you're a busy mama, but email me when you get the chance. april.lynne.watson@gmail.com

erin said...

p.s. I like that you're wearing orange in this picture and the baby weighs the same as four oranges. Did you do that on purpose?? :)

Naomi said...

Erin, it's flattering that you think my brain is firing enough to make that connection.

Kara Jo said...

Ovaltine?!...guess there are worse things, but not many.