Good news!!! We have renters!
Unfortunately, our renters are one of the displaced families from the Hugo tornado, and our hearts go out to them. I hope our house is a place they can find comfort as their home is being rebuilt.
On the brighter side, everything seems to be working out well for all parties involved. Their insurance company is paying the rent, they will have a home to stay in after a week of being displaced, and we will finally have our home rented. Also, they only agreed to a 9 month lease, but our minimum lease term is for 12 months. So the insurance company agreed to pay for a full 12 months over the course of 9 months, which means we are getting $350 more per month than we were asking!
The background check is in progress as I write, and assuming approval, they sign the lease on Saturday! Please pray with us that everything shows up okay on the background check!
We are rejoicing in the Lord's provision for us through this whole circumstance. He protected our house from extensive damage during the tornado, and is providing for us financially in unforeseen ways, just when we needed it.