Tuesday, October 19, 2010

After she put the twins down for a nap, she walked straight to the kitchen, got my pump bottles, hooked them up, climbed up in the rocking chair, and informed us that she was pumping milk for the babies...
She asked me to pour the milk she pumped into a bottle for the twins, because it was time for them to eat.

She got them up from their nap, laid them on the couch, and took turns feeding them.
The twins were both very happy after eating. (See?) She proclaimed "See Mama!?? They like it!"


Kandi said...

I see the future of that breast-pump picture...it'll be in the collection set out for graduation. Or maybe the wedding. :)

Lara said...

Oh my goodness, Naomi! I love your blog!!! Keep telling stories and showing videos. These last 2 posts made me laugh outloud. Can't wait to have a little girl/mommy also. :)

erin said...

I'm pleased to see her milk supply is so good.

Kara Jo said...

R.O.T.F.L. !!! Literally laughing out loud trying to keep quiet cuz the kids are in bed. Too cute!