Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tea Party
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Today we recognize this child as a gift from God and give heartfelt thanks for God's blessing.
We now dedicate him to the Lord who gave him to us surrendering all worldly claims in his life in the hope that he will belong wholly to God.
We pledge as parents that, with God's fatherly help, we will bring him up in the "discipline and instruction of the Lord," making every reasonable effort, with patience and love, to build the Word of God, the character of Christ and the joy of the Lord into his life.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Helmet Heads
Monday, July 19, 2010
Me: "Sophia, do you like making messes?"
Sophia: "Noooo."
Me: "Yes you do."
Sophia: "Yeah, I do."
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010

I was in the kitchen preparing a cup for milk for each of my angels, when I caught a glimpse that Jazlyn had climbed up on the rocking chair. Just as I told her to get down, Sophia, who was laying in the floor near the rocking chair, put her feet on the back of it and gave it a good shove, which sent Jazlyn hurdling headlong to the floor. She landed square on her head, and her body bent backwards in an in-human way. She started weakly whimpering as I ran and scooped her up in my arms. As soon as I straightened upright, Jazlyn's eyes rolled back in her head and her head flopped backwards. I think my heart stopped beating for a second, and then kicked in to overdrive. I screamed at her and after a few seconds she slowly came-to but her eyes were still twitching. I tested her head by moving my supporting hand just a bit and her head starting falling back again. I also noticed that her lips started turned blue. I was sure her neck was broken, and it crossed my mind that I had just made things worse by picking her up. With adrenaline surging, I flew up the stairs in record time screaming for Papa to call the police. By the time I reached the top of the stairs, she was conscious again and started crying very hard. I laid her flat on the ground and made her lay still. She cried loud and strong for several minutes (music to my ears, folks!) and by the time the EMT arrived about 5 minutes later, she was acting pretty normal again. The incredible EMT checked her out (he was soooooo good with kids and incredibly kind to this frightened mama). He concluded that she had probably just lost consciousness for a few seconds, but reassured me it was the right thing to do to call and get her checked.
She is doing totally fine now, but I'm still recovering...
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Tiny Dancer
Sophia and her teacher, Miss Brianna
RIP Sweet Monkey
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
The Grand Reunion
We broke down and bought a new Monkey. Here's a taste of Jazi's day...
The reunion
(too bad I was so excited I forgot to take the tags off! It didn't phase her though, thank goodness!)
She ate lunch with Monkey...
She brushed Monkey's hair...
She got Monkey dressed...
They watched Curious George together...
They went everywhere together... (Note whats on tv in the backround)
They played together...
...and they fell asleep together
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
New York in Pictures
Armed with coloring books for the plane
Through security, on to the gate!
Even Mr. Brodes is excited to go to NY!
Jaz and her Great Papa Vinton!
Sophia and Great Papa. Both of the girls took to him immediately!
Our new nephew, Samuel, and Brody. Two months apart!
Papa swimming with all his girls
I wonder if anybody will notice if I take this root beer...
Roasting marshmallows!
Family campfire
Kisses for Great Papa
Every morning the girls snuggled Great Papa and watching cartoons together
Playing in the creek that Jared played in as a little boy. We spent all morning here one morning.