Broderic Earl arrived on Wednesday night! I labored for 6 hours, and did not end up delivering in the water as planned, but God blessed us with a healthy baby boy that we are madly in love with!
Broderic Earl
9:19 pm, March 31, 2010
6 lbs, 12 oz 20 inches

Go time! Ready to have a baby!

First moment of life

Daddy with his baby boy

Broderic's cord was wrapped around his neck pretty tight, and he came out very purple. Daddy was pretty shaken (I didn't know what was happening at that point), and took a moment to thank God.

Brodes needed some oxygen, but was crying strongly within seconds. His 1 minute apgar score was 8!

Me and my AMAZING doula, Abby. She was an incredible comfort and support for Jared and I during labor. She took pictures and video, kept me hydrated, rubbed my back, walked with us... I am so happy she was there with us.

After Brody's first bath. Mohawk time.

Me and my little man.

Sophia meeting her baby brother for the first time. She was completely smitten, and could not stop smiling and kissing him, and saying "Hi Brody!"
Sophia's first time holding Brody
Daddy introducing the sibs

Sophia and Jazlyn both LOVE "Baby Brother Brody" sooooo much.

Family of FIVE!

Sophia is going to be SUCH a good helper with the baby (she already is!)

See? Helping Mama brush his hair.

Brody modeling the adorable monkey hat Auntie Shinae crocheted!

Peace out! We're going home!