Dearest Abby (aka jab),
I cannot fully express how proud of you I am. When I was ten-years-old, we visited your church and I met you on our first Sunday there. You have been my best friend from that day to this. We have been through everything together... friendship bracelets, neon green nail polish, sledding the chicken hill, diving contests in your pool, camp outs in the clubhouse, music videos, doing homework together, SALT, birthday parties, high school, Fish 'N Chips, graduation, boyfriends, shopping, college, tears, ostrich races, road trips, engagement, hot tubs, marriage, living together, buying a house, getting related kittens, the cruise, and a whole lot of laughter. But through all of this, you have always dreamed of being a nurse. From day one. Today, you did it. You graduated with you RN degree. It has been a long road, my dearest friend. So many late nights of studying, summer school, transferring schools, driving an hour to school everyday, tears because it was just too hard, nerve-wracking exams, taking a semester off... these are just a few of the obstacles you faced. Today marks the culmination of a dream you have clung to since the day we met. You not only achieved this dream, you achieved it well. You always strove to give it your all. How can I even begin to show you the extent of my pride? You are an amazing woman, Abby, and I am so privileged to call you my closest friend. I love you.
All my love,
Nae Nae

Abby graduated with honors, and was voted commencement speaker by her class. December 19, 2007